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Group Classes


Group Classes 
Group class registration is available to existing clients only.
To see the classes currently running, or to sign up, check our store tab! 

Advanced Puppy Skills


 Whether this is your first dog or not, whether you’re a one-dog household or integrating a new dog into your pack - this class will focus on continuing to expand your foundation for success throughout your dog’s life. Work basic obedience skills (leash walking, sit/down/stay, recall) around distraction, but also learn how to set the tone and build a great relationship, properly socialize a dog, and prevent common behavioural issues. This class is for dogs 12 months of age or younger that have completed some work with us already.

Riot to Quiet​


Have an energetic dog who’s struggling with the basics? Does your dog feel too excitable to train? This class will focus on basic obedience and foundations of good behaviour for the dog who has a hard time keeping it together! Improve basic obedience skills (leash walking, sit/down/stay, recall) while with distractions, and also how to set the tone and build a great relationship, prevent common behavioural issues. Create calm - inside the house and out. This class is for dogs six months of age or older. 


Pooches on Probation


This class is for dogs working through their reactivity issues. Those who are no longer terrorizing the neighbourhood, but aren't ready to be model citizens. If you have been working on your reactivity, but aren't quite ready to jump into pack walk or the drop in group class, this is the class for you. We'll be building confidence in your handling abilities, as well as introducing your dogs to a number of different scenarios that are typically associated with reactivity. You must have taken previous training with us to sign up for this class. 


Next-Level Obedience


Looking to take your dog’s obedience to the next level? Or just want to have some fun and challenge your dog? This is the class for you. You’ll learn more advanced formal obedience skills, build foundations for off-leash obedience and recall, and learn how to get the best out of your dog in challenging environments. We’ll also introduce the basics of rally and competition obedience. This class is for dogs who already have basic obedience (reliable basic commands - sit/down/stay - and walk on leash).



Patio Skills


This group class is for those looking to increase their dogs ability to remain calm near distraction. Attendees will spend the majority of the class sitting and watching the world go by (while we create the distractions). Each class will provide distractions to work around, and provide the opportunity to chat with a trainer for all those "I was wondering" questions most people have stored up. Come out to improve calm behaviours and chat training. Dress for the weather as some days will be outside, bring a camp chair, blanket/sweater for your dog, and a coffee, we'll supply place beds.

Scent Detection


Some dogs really love having a job and one of the best jobs out there is sniffing things! Scent detection is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the country and can be done from home, year round and indoors. Scentwork can be done with dogs of all ages, breeds or sizes and is an excellent outlet for all dogs. This sport is also super accepting of dogs struggling with reactivity as only one dog is out and working at a time. If you're interested in teaching your dog a fun new skill while tiring them out both physically and mentally, this could be the sport for you!

E-Collar Seminar


Ever wondered about e-collar training? Electronic collars are fantastic tools for owners looking to expand into off leash work, but introducing the tool correctly and ensuring you know what you're doing is incredibly important. For those with solid foundational skills, this seminar is all about; how and why we use collars, what they are (and what they aren't), how to use the unit, and how to layer a collar into your training. This seminar is two days over 1-2 weeks. In the first day we go over theory, working the unit, and introducing the unit into training. We then give you a week or two to become familiar and fluid in your use, getting you ready for our second seminar day where we work outside and in a group.


Dates: TBD

Ecollar seminar (collar included) - $550+gst

Ecollar Seminar (you already own a suitable collar) - $300+gst


Foundational Heeling Skills Seminar



Want to learn how to make a flashy "fancy" heel with your dog? Formal heeling looks amazing and can be super fun to do with your dog! While it looks simple, formal heeling is made up of a number of foundational skills. Heel work foundations can teach your dog better body awareness, work their brain, improve your relationship and communication, and teach you and your dog a broad set of versatile skills that can be used in all kinds of capacities in their lives. Whether you want to compete in a dogsport, try out a new hobby, build a skill for fun, or just take awesome photos for your social media account, learning heel work foundations is always fun!


Seminar:     TBD

Foundation Heeling Skills seminar (working spot) - $150+gst

Foundation Heeling Skills seminar (audit spot) - $75+gst

DIY "How To" Training Seminars


For those that would like to do most of their own training, are looking for a bit of extra knowledge, are budget conscious, or are just looking for that extra piece to put it all together, we are now offering a DIY "How to" Seminar Series. These seminars are held at our facility in small groups, without your dog, allowing you to focus on what is being taught and ACTUALLY LEARNING the information so you can use and apply these skills on your own. Explained in real language with relevant examples and demonstrations, we are inclusive, informative, and encouraging to all owners attending that are trying to better their dogs lives. Seminars are held Saturday mornings from 10AM-12PM, packing a ton of information into a one-shot timeframe. 


All DIY seminars - $50+gst

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How to... create focus and attention


Engagement is the bedrock of all training. Have a dog that is distracted by every. little. thing? Can your dog focus on you outside your house or around other dogs? If you need these skills, this is the course for you. Engagement is the most important skill you and your dog can learn, and this seminar will cover what it is, why it's important, and how to build it with your dog. 


Next Seminar - TBA

How to... Pick The Right Dog


Looking to add to your family but wary of all the horror stories? Friends warn you not to support puppy mills, you've heard rescues are dangerous, and you're not even really sure what a purebred is... What questions should you ask? How can you tell a reputable rescue from an irreputable one? What's the difference between a responsible breeder and a backyard breeder? What types of dogs best fit your lifestyle and your needs? Choosing the correct dog for you and your family can help prevent problems before they ever start. Feel confident in learning how to ask the right questions, make the right decisions and start your life with your new dog off on the right foot.


Next Seminar - TBA

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_How To_ Play tug with your dog... Prope

How to... play tug with your dog (properly)


Does your dog like to play tug? Tug is one of the best relationship building games you can play with your dog. Unfortunately there are a lot of rumours out there about tug games and we're here to clear that up. Use tug games to teach behaviour, build relationships, and improve life skills with your dog. We can teach you the right ways to play, and how to avoid common mistakes.


Next Seminar - TBA

How to... get your dog to wait for things


If your dog charges through life like a bull in a china shop, this is the seminar for you. Jumping, barking, running through door ways, and stealing food are all super common and super trainable problems. We teach you how to teach the concept of waiting and how to make it relevant and beneficial to your dog, from your dog's point of view.


Next Seminar - TBA


How to... get your dog to come back


The vast majority of dog owners are terrified to let their dog off leash somewhere because they don't know if they'll come back. Learn how to train your dog to come back,  how to work up to more difficult environments, and discuss common problems and pitfalls. Recall is one of the best behaviours a dog can have, and can greatly increase their quality of life.


Next Seminar - TBA

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We are excited to be so busy, but we would rather take the time to get back to you with a proper response than an offhand answer. Thank you for understanding.

Gibbons, Alberta, Canada

Located Northeast of Edmonton, 20 mins off the Henday


Beta Dog Training

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